Sustainable entrepreneurship

Excentr uses its development, purchasing and production power to create a positive social impact locally. People, place, product and planet are central to this.


People and place

By purchasing locally, producing and growing as a company, we create jobs. We fill these jobs, in the places that lend themselves to it, by employing people with a distance to the labour market. This has been working very successfully in our production & logistics since Excentr was founded.


Product and planet

The Excentr machines are produced from a vision. We make exceptionally good products and do so with the smallest possible ecological footprint. Our machines and accessories consist for 100% of durable & recyclable materials such as stainless steel and aluminium. Our floor pads are made of 100% recycled material. Another special feature is that these are the world's first rapidly biodegradable floor pads.

The Excentr Method

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